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After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Friday, August 19, 2011


Mark Your Calendar!
2011 Lincoln Auction
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Excitement is building for this year’s Lincoln Auction that will be held on Saturday, October 29, 2011!
This year’s AUCTION will include the famous LIVE AUCTION, the always amazing SILENT AUCTION, and the much beloved BAKE SALE.  The Live Auction will feature weekend getaways, birthday parties, wine tastings, tickets to pro ball games and more!  The Silent Auction rooms will host a wide variety of baskets, along with gift certificates and magazines.
AUCTION HOURS:  Doors will open at 11:30am; Silent Auction rooms will close from 12:30-1:30pm; and the Live Auction will begin at 2:00pm.  We hope all Lincoln families and friends will attend this fun event!
FUN FOR THE FAMILY!  We haven’t forgotten the kids!  The game Heads or Tails will be back by popular demand on Auction day and all ages are welcome to play!  Other activities will include face painting, hair braiding and coloring, temporary tattoos, and balloon animals.  Child care for younger children and BINGO for the big kids will also be provided! 
There are many opportunities for families to get involved in the Auction: 
·         Poofing - We will be poofing this year in late August - October.  There will be more information to come on this opportunity.  Contact Amy King if you would like to be involved in poofing! (amyizzybear@yahoo.com)
·         Bake Sale – It’s not too early to start thinking about those tasty treats you could contribute to the Bake Sale.  If you would like more information on the Bake Sale please contact Melissa Engelken (jefnmel@charter.net) or Jodi Kruse (jmkruse22@gmail.com). 
·         Promotion - If you are interested in helping promote the Auction, handing out/posting flyers or posters, please contact Robin Stearns (RStearns@Olmmed.org) or Julie Wingert (djnwingert@aol.com).

      ·         Friends and Family Donation – If you have a donation for the Lincoln Auction, please  
           contact Melissa Murphy (mfmurphy1@charter.net) or Betsy Schroeder
      ·         Auction Day Volunteers – Look for the Auction table on Meet the Teacher Day, August
          31st, to sign up for volunteering on Auction Day.  You can also contact Nicci Watson 
          (onawat@aol.com) to volunteer your time.