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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rochester Public Schools Want Your Input at "World Cafes" and Core Planning Team

As the Rochester Public Schools begins strategic planning, the first important step in the process is engaging the community in a conversation about our future. The venue for this conversation will be a World Café at four different locations and times over the course of two days. We invite parents, students and community members to commit two hours on either March 14 or 15 to join in this conversation. The World Café is an opportunity to discover what we care about, to imagine the future and to create a commitment to our school community. We encourage everyone to participate. We need many voices to create one mission for our District.

World Cafes times and locations, you can RSVP by calling 328-4000:
• Wednesday, March 14, Mayo HS Cafeteria, 7-9 pm (Class Code: 9000.231)
• Thursday, March 15, Edison Board Room, 9:30-11:30 am (Class Code: 9000.232)
• Thursday, March 15, John Marshall HS Cafeteria, 4-6 pm (Class Code: 9000.233)
• Thursday, March 15, Century HS Cafeteria, 7-9 pm (Class Code: 9000.234)


The Second step in the process is the recruitment of the Core Planning Team. The Core Planning Team will be made up of 30 individuals that represent the diversity of our community. These individuals will reach consensus to create a long-term mission and plan for our district that will be presented to the Board. On March 5, we will begin seeking nominations for members of the Core Planning Team. Individuals can nominate themselves or others to the Team. Nominations and additional information will be available on the Rochester Public School website on March 5, 2012. www.rochester.k12.mn.us