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After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Monday, May 14, 2012

FREE money for Lincoln K-8!


This year so far, Lincoln earned $1512.53 For clipping Box Tops AND using the marketplace to shop for online items. I will be sending in another $300.00 worth of tops at the end of May.

Lincoln can continue to earn with Box Tops program through the Marketplace over the summer. Use the link below to check out what stores you shop at and make a purchase through the BoxTops website to earn points for Lincoln! A few favorites are Barnes and Noble, Expedia, SnapFish, Target, Cabelas, Travelocity, Expedia,... the list goes on.

For the Labels for Education program, Lincoln sent in 9,395 points. Kim Sue was able to purchase art supplies with some of our points.

Keep collecting the Milk Moola. Land O Lakes and Kemps milk tops. Lincoln sent in over 7400 tops for a all three.

Ask your neighbors, grandparents and friends to collect milk tops, labels for education, box tops, shop at the marketplace and use Lincoln K-8 as the receiving school. We are able to earn up to $10,000 per year for Kemps and Land O Lakes milk tops, unlimited earnings per year for Milk Moola/Glazers, $20,000 per year for Box Tops/Marketplace, and unlimited earnings for Labels for Education.

Keep bring in the FREE MONEY for Lincoln through the end of the year, collect over the summer ( check out the websites for collection sheets for labels for education http://www.labelsforeducation.com/Coordinator-Corner/Coordinator-Toolbox/Printable-Resources ), and get ready for another fun year of earning FREE Money for the Greatest School in the Universe!!