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After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Lincoln Students and Staff Published in Zebrafish Journal

Congratulations to everyone at Lincoln for being part of the most recent Zebrafish Special Edition Scientific Journal. There are several articles and multiple abstracts from students, staff, and our partner scientists that truly put Lincoln and InSciEd Out on the global scientific map. The front cover was created by our very own student and staff member.

All of the articles and abstracts can be found online here: http://online.liebertpub.com/toc/zeb/9/4 

This type of recognition and acceptance is absolutely groundbreaking for any school around the world. It is worth your time to read some of the articles as it gives some great perspective as to what Lincoln has done over the past few years in changing education and opportunities for students.

We have many more plans for our students and are seeking more world-leading science materials and technologies but are in need for funding to help make more opportunities happen. Contact Mr. Sonju if you have any ideas how to help move us forward. We are all about improving our school every day for our kids!