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Monday, December 2, 2013

Community Awareness Sessions - School Safety and Security - December 4 and 5

Dear RPS Families,
Over the course of the last several months we have been working to continually evolve our practices with respect to safety and security. We are enhancing the ways in which we respond to certain events that may occur within our schools. We have been working with The Educator's School Safety Network to provide training to all of our RPS staff.

We would like to invite you to a presentation by The Educator's School Safety Network to learn more about our evolving practices with respect to emergency response. We are offering the community awareness sessions this week on December 4th and December 5th. This is a mature discussion about safety and is suitable for adults only.

December 4 - John Marshall High School Auditorium - 5-7pm
December 5 - Mayo High School Auditorium - 6-8pm