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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Camp Invention

Camp Invention is returning to Rochester Public Schools!
Camp Invention takes summer fun and transforms it from ordinary to extraordinary!
In partnership with the National Inventors Hall of Fame, Kellogg Middle School is pleased to offer the nationally-acclaimed Camp Invention program to children entering grades 1st through 6th. It’s an exciting, weeklong summer adventure with lessons that explore connections between science, technology, engineering and innovation. Children will work together to seek solutions to real-world problems and sharpen critical 21st century learning skills while rotating through several fascinating modules. Week one begins on June 20, 2016 and week two begins on June 27, 2016 with Kristi Sanders serving as Director of both programs!
                               Week One - Epic
Children will construct and personalize a DIY solar-powered cricket with a unique habitat, play high-energy games and use parts from everyday devices to invent and solve real-world problems.
                               Week Two - Morphed
Boys and girls will spend their time designing a small, motor-powered vehicle to race during the Super Go Road Rally and building original prototypes using real tools found in everyday devices.
Early registration discounts available. Every registration includes a complimentary Camp Invention t-shirt. Availability is limited, so visit www.campinvention.org or call 800.968.4332 to secure your child’s spot today!