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After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Thursday, June 7, 2018

The Drone Project

The Drone project is a new engineering experience for K - 8 students that begins the exploration of drones. This project is funded by Century Linc and PPT.  In this project, students will learn about drones which are unmanned aircraft, vehicle or ships that can navigate and perform complex tasks autonomously.  Drones are primarily grouped based on their propulsion – UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UGV(Unmanned Ground Vehicle) or AUV(Autonomous Underwater Vehicle).  Student will learn about the forces involved in flight and movement as well as Newton’s Laws of Motion. Then they will design, build, and test an experimental model glider and drones to find out how air and other forces affect its movement. In addition, they will apply a design process to a variety of problems such as delivering aid to an area where supplies must be and dropped to the ground from an aircraft or delivered on the ground.  
This project will be worked on this summer and will be integrated into our Amplify/Project Lead the Way/InSciOut.  This is unique to Lincoln