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After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Friday, November 15, 2019

Children's Mental Health Presentation - Next PPT Meeting, 11/18/19

A message from the PPT leadership team
Parents/Guardians - we wanted to invite you to our next PPT (Program Planning Team - Lincoln's version of Parent-Teacher-Student-Organization) meeting.  

It will be on Monday, November 18th at 7 o'clock in the Media Center.  

We will be joined by Jenny Chonis (Lincoln school social worker) and Abbie Maxfield (Lincoln school counselor) to share with us information about anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues in children.  We will learn about how to recognize signs, what we can do to help at home, and what supports there may be at school and in the community.

We will also get school updates, have a chance to connect, and there will be a prize drawing!  Bring a friend and join us for a night together. There is no charge to attend, simply by being a parent at Lincoln, you are automatically a member of our PPT.  We solicited parent feedback this fall, and are moving forward with your suggestions. This is an event for adults, so we request that your child(ren) stay at home.

We hope to see you on Monday! 
Your PPT leadership team (Mindy, Robert, Ling, Paige, and Sara)