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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

PPT Presidents’ Letter - March

The snow is melting and Spring is right around the corner!  As we get closer to wrapping up the 3rd quarter of the school year, there are lots of exciting things happening at Lincoln.  We have many people to thank for their hard work this March.

First we'd like to thank the folks who put on another successful Applebee's breakfast.  It was a great event with great food!  Thanks to everyone who helped cook, serve and clean up!  And a big thank you to everyone who bought tickets and ate breakfast! 

Another fantastic 1-5 grade event was held at the Rochester Family Y. Thank you to all of the parents who organized such a fun activity for the kids.  We had a great turnout of parent volunteers and students as well, so thank you thank you to everyone who participated.

Another thank you to Shelly Glover for being in charge of staff appreciation.  With conferences this week, meals were planned and our staff got fed thanks to Shelly.  We appreciate all your work!

We would also like to thank Nora Dooley, Linda Griebenow and Jodi Hellickson for organizing the Book Fair and Ice Cream Social.  The kids look forward to this event in both the spring and fall, so thank you ladies for doing such a great job pulling it all together!

Just a reminder that the MCAs are right around the corner!  We'd love to see 100% of our students pass the test, so make sure they are logging in those Study Island hours!  Study Island is a great tool for students to use to work on the skills needed to pass the MCAs, not to mention building skills to be successful in school!  So keep answering those questions, and keep getting those blue ribbons!  This year, we can get 100%!  Keep it up!

We'd like to point out that there has been a change to our April PPT meeting date.  Instead of Monday April 26th, the meeting will take place on Tuesday April 27th.  We will be voting on the budget for next year that evening, so if you're interested in seeing where our PPT budget is being spent, please come to the April meeting.

This month's meeting on March 22nd will take place in the media center at 7pm.  Our speakers this month are James Robertson from the Diversity Council, and Zelda Collins-Moore, Minority Coordinator for the school district.  They will give a brief 15-20 minute informational session with our regular PPT agenda starting around 7:15.

PPT has a couple of open committee chair positions next year, so be sure to keep your eyes glued to the EFiles for the descriptions of each open role.  If you are interested in stepping up or have questions, please don't hesitate to contact Jodie Meurer odie79@hotmail.com or Chris DeMattos annabean01@charter.net or Chris Harmon at chharmon@rochester.k12.mn.us.