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Monday, March 22, 2010

Special Projects – Improved Process and Faster Timeline

What are Special Projects?

Special Project funds are those funds that we raise at the auction that are above and beyond the PPT budget. A Special Project can be anything that benefits the school and follows the guidelines on the Special Projects application form.

Past examples of previous Special Projects are the Leveled Library books; the Lincoln School sign by Highway 14; and the Smart Boards. Matching funds from Special Project money also helped pay for the "Big Toy".

What's new this year?

The time lines will be different this year. To have the projects in the classrooms sooner, applications will be submitted between April and August. Submitted proposals will be available to review starting at Meet the Teacher Day. Following the Auction a consensus meeting will be held in November to determine which proposals will be funded, and funds will be awarded shortly after that.

How can you be a part of this process?

You can submit one or more Special Project applications - applications will be available for all Lincoln staff, parent/guardians, and uppers students to complete starting in April. You can review the applications that are submitted and if you are Lincoln staff or a parent/guardian, attend the consensus meeting to be a part of the process to decide how the Special Project funds will be spent.

What is the Special Projects timeline?

    In April 2010:     Application forms will be available on the Lincoln web site and through the E-files.

August 20th, 2010:    Final day for application submissions for funds from the 2010 auction

    November 2010:    A consensus meeting will be held to determine how to spend the Special Project funds

Please contact Mary Hansen at 285-9047 or rmhansen2002@yahoo.com, or Julie Wingert at 288-6293 or djnwingert@aol.com, if you have any questions