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The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
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After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Special Projects - Great Ideas for Lincoln!

Lincoln teachers and parents have submitted requests for funding for suggested Special Projects that will benefit the school and the kids. You can review the submitted requests by opening the Special Projects Requests 2010 document in the Links section. The projects include: additional books for the Lynx Leveled Library, additional Netbooks, Robotics for engineering, Netbooks for Andi and Ginelle, digital cameras for students and a kindergarten class, personal screen printer, hand held microphones and snacks for RAP.

How can we fund all these great ideas for Lincoln? First we need to raise the money. The total dollar amount required to fund all these projects is just over $20,000. This money comes from the Lincoln Auction, after the PPT budget has been funded. Make sure you attend and bid on all the fabulous baskets and items available – the more money raised at the auction, the more projects we can fund!

Following the auction and once we know how much money is available for Special Projects, a consensus meeting will be held to determine how the available funds will be used and which projects will be funded. All Lincoln parents, guardians and staff are welcome to attend this meeting and the funding recomentation from this meeting will be presented to PPT for final approval.

See a favorite project on the list? Remember to attend the auction and support Lincoln!

If you have any questions about Special Projects, contact Mary Hansen at 285-9047 or rmhansen2002@yahoo.com or Julie Wingert at 288-6293 or djnwinger@aol.com