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After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

TODAY - Lincoln Auction 2010!

The Lincoln Auction is TODAY!  Classrooms have been filled with a bevy of beautiful baskets, the gym has a display of Live items to die for, the Bake Sale is chock full of sweet treats¸and the face painting, bingo and child care are ready for the kids! You cannot miss this opportunity to shop, mingle and snack! 

Events Schedule:
Bank opens at 11:15am – get your bidder number!
Bake Sale opens at 11:15am – get your treats before they are gone!
Silent Auction bidding starts at 11:30am.
Kids’ events start at 11:30am.
Childcare opens at noon.
First Silent Auction room closes at 12:30pm.
Live Auction starts at 2:00pm.
Bingo for older kids starts at 2:00pm.

We hold an Auction so that students do not have to go door to door selling wrapping paper, magazines or pizza.  Your support of the Auction helps us to provide the unique events and equipment that are “Lincoln”.  Our auction is open to the public, so please encourage your friends, neighbors and co-workers to attend.   Support Lincoln K-8 Choice – bid high, bid often!