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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pennies for Patients and Pets, Jeans for Teens

Pennies for Patients and Pennies for Pets
Student Government and Lincoln’s Save the Animals group are sponsoring a penny challenge January 30-February 10. Half of the proceeds will go to Pennies for Patients which helps children with leukemia. The other half goes to the ASPCA. A group of students have been meeting at lunch for 10 weeks to decide the best way to save animals and decided on this penny challenge.
January 30-February 10 jars for money will be located in the office. Each classroom will have ajar designated.  Pennies and dollar bills in each jar will count positively towards each classroom total. Silver coins will count negatively towards the classroom total. The classroom with the greatest positive total as of February 10 will win a pizza and popcorn party.

Jeans for Teens
January 26-February 10 bring in your old jeans. A group of Lincoln kids will donate them to help homeless teens. The school that donates the most jeans wins $500 from Aeropostale. There will be a box outside the office to collect jeans.