Welcome to the LincolnLincs!

The LincolnLincs is the place for important information about school events, notifications, dates and deadlines and news about the Lincoln community.
Go to the "LINKS TO DOCUMENTS"section of the blog to download forms or documents discussed in the posts.

After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Calling all Volunteers!

There is a new need for help in the lunchroom on Mondays.
It can be a weekly, every other week, or a once per month commitment. 
Whatever fits into your busy schedules.
The staff really appreciate it.  The students love to see you! 
Hours: 11:50am - 1:00pm.
Please contact Cinnamon Marxen, cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com if you are interested.