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Thursday, November 5, 2015

November PPT meeting: ADVANCE NOTICE

ADVANCE NOTICE FOR THE NOVEMBER PPT MEETING - Monday, November 16th, 7-8pm - Lincoln STEM classroom (near Media Center)

Please join the PPT this month to learn more about Project Lead the Way and InSciEdout.  James Kulzer and Kyle Casper will be presenting.  They are hoping to do a two part series, starting with Part 1 on November 16th and continuing with Part 2 in January (Monday, January 11th).
James Kulzer is a master level teacher for Project Lead the Way (PLTW) and the building lead teacher on Launch the elementary PLTW program and teaches the middle school PLTW program.( https://www.pltw.org/our-programs)   Kyle Casper is a gold master teacher for InSciEdout and teaches the Middle school science program and InSciEd Out modules.( http://insciedout.org ). 

For November they will give an overview of each program:
    1. Address the PLTW modules that are being taught at Lincoln K-8.
    2. The use of iPads in these programs.
    3. Length of modules and extensions.
    4. Overview of InSciEdout modules K-8.
    5. Why the emphasis on Science?

We will also hear an update on the Lincoln Family Auction, the Special Projects process to disperse the auction proceeds, and other fun activities planned for the Lincoln community this year.  The Lincoln PPT is the parent, guardian and staff planning team at Lincoln, and all are automatically PPT members.  We will have a Spanish interpreter and a Somali interpreter available for this meeting.  

If you have any questions, please contact your PPT Co-Presidents, Cinnamon Marxen (cinnamonmarxen@yahoo.com or 250-4527) or Giuseppe Accardo (giuseppePPT@gmail.com or 250-0968).  Hope to see you on the 16th!