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After more than 40 years, we're still the Greatest School in the Universe!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Healthy Eating

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
Healthy eating is important for children. Research states that children who eat three meals daily are higher achievers in school and have a lower rate of absenteeism. At Lincoln we work hard to ensure students receive a healthy snack and lunch each day to support their developing brains. But, the healthy eating should not stop when money is tight. We want to help.
Lincoln works with Channel One Food Shelf and Zumbro Lutheran Church in Rochester to provide food to Lincoln families.
If you are interested, any Lincoln child and family are eligible to take home food each Thursday. A variety of food is available, including peanut butter, juice, bread, crackers, and fruit. Confidentiality is important. Bags and backpacks that are provided to transport the food will be unmarked. We ask that any backpacks that are borrowed to transport food be brought back to the office on Monday to be filled for the following Thursday.
If you are interested in receiving food through Channel One, or have questions or concerns, please email Amy Krahn at AMKRAHN@rochester.k12.mn.us or call Lincoln at (507) 328-3550. Your child will be bringing home food beginning on Tuesday November 24.

Jim Sonju                     Stephanie Sirek                     Bridget Dean          
Principal                       Educator                               MN Reading Corps Literacy Tutor

Volunteers at Zumbro Lutheran          Channel One Rochester, MN